Busy with preparation to KTJ. This afternoon, i went shopping at Prangin Mall with my mum. Bought quite a lot of things at Parkson.
Clothes, bedsheet, wallet, slippers and belt.... These were the things we bought. Spent about RM400 today. luckily my mum got those Parkson shopping vouchers. those vouchers saved a little of our family's hard-earned money :D
Quite nice right? My Body Glove wallet which accompanies me for almost 2 years almost wears off. so i decided to buy a black-coloured skin wallet to replace it. Hello wallet, u r the next wallet to follow me to KTJ.
I'm lacking of belt. So i bought another belt, juz in case i lose the old one. the design of belt is similar to CLHS belt design, except that this belt is black.
oops, too much editing was done on this image, looks kinda fake. anyway, i bought 2 pairs of black boots-like shoes laz week. today, i bought a pair of slippers(the slippers is bought at other place, nt in Parkson). black again. lol.. looks like i have a strong tie with black. KTJ is going to make me blacker!!
Took lunch with my mum in a restoran called "刷刷乐火锅”(thats a weird name).. forgot to take pic of the food. kinda full after lunch. a horrible image after lunch(u could see that some Tomyam was spilled on the table). Anyway, it was quite delicious after all, but the price was unbelievable. RM50 for a 2 person lunch. it really 刷 away all our money. duh i could juz went to McDonald and ate a RM10 set lunch. faster and cheaper.
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